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Be there for the World's Greatest Show, Expo 2020 Dubai

A complete guide to Expo City Dubai

A complete guide to Expo City Dubai

Introduction to World Expo:

World Expo is a mega event that is hosted by different countries around the world. It is a large scale international event in form size and number of visitors from around the world. The city of Dubai will be the host of this year's Expo, preparations are in full swing since the date of the event was announced. It is a great opportunity and platform where people from all over the world can meet, exchange their ideas, and seek inspiration for their work or business. It is a place where you can learn lots of new things and also have fun.

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Expo 2020 in Dubai:

In November 2013, Dubai, UAE, was elected to host the next world Expo in BIE. Since then, the work has been going on to make this event a success. In 2016 an official Expo 2020 Dubai logo was released. Expo 2020 Dubai has been talking of the town for several months now; everyone is very excited for this international event to happen. It has gained a lot of popularity among the general public also. People from all parts of the world will be visiting Expo 2020 Dubai for business, tourism, recreation, and more. It is a massive chance for every new business owner to showcase their talent and promote their work. The private and public sectors of the country can gain the maximum benefit from this mega event.

Dubai Expo 2020 Schedule:

Expo 2020 Dubai is the first-ever Expo, which is set to happen in the Middle East. It is starting on 20th October 2020, and it will last till 10th April 2021. The event will take place in Al Wasl Plaza, all the major events and different pavilions will be set up there. This Al Wasl plaza stands right in the heart of the Expo site, and it is very recognizable because of its fantastic infrastructure and incredible design. The Expo site is very accessible because it has its own Dubai Metro line, which will take you to the right place. A lot of significant events will take place here, but the Expo is not limited to one place, there will be several more pavilions showcasing different products.

 Expo 2020 Dubai is estimated to have around 25 million visits, and more than 70% of the visitors will be foreigners. It is expected to be the largest visit count in any expo of the history. It is estimated to have very positive results for Dubai and the UAE's economy because it will encourage visitors from all around the world to visit the Expo and generate more revenue for the host country. The number of people will be visiting Dubai for Expo 2020, and it will boost the tourism industry of the UAE.

Motto of Expo 2020 Dubai:

The motto of this Expo is 'Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.' It is a very thoughtful and inspiring motto for all of us; Expo 2020 Dubai is a platform for everyone creative, eager to learn, and like to meet new people. If you are a new business entrepreneur or already running a new business, starting a venture, or promoting a particular product, this is the place for you. You can meet new people from more than 200 different cities and learn about their ideas. You can take advice from business gurus and share your opinions with like-minded people. The opportunities are endless, and that is the best thing about Expo 2020 Dubai.

As Expo 2020 is about creating a more innovative and bright future, the Expo 2020 Dubai has a smart site where you can learn the innovation techniques about the Expo 2020 Dubai's motto. This original site is 5G enabled and offers a very smooth user experience. From knowing about your parking spot to learning about innovative future techniques, this smart site has it all. They have made it very easy and accessible to everyone. More than 30 thousand people are volunteering for Expo 2020 Dubai to ensure that visitors have a hassle-free experience. The volunteers will be Emiratis and ex-pat residents who are trained to help visitors.

Expo 2020 will be a 6-month long event, and there will be something exciting for everyone; it will also have a great food and beverage program within the Expo site. It will have food options from more than fifty cuisines in 200 outlets to ensure there are enough options for everyone.

Sub Themes of Expo 2020:

The expo 2020 Dubai has limit fewer options, and it has a comprehensive vision, the further themes which will be prominent at the Expo along with its great motto of  ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future.' The sub-themes are opportunity, sustainability, and mobility. The opportunity sub-theme is about giving the right chance to the youth to explore their hidden talent and use their expertise to its full potential, which is helpful for individuals as well as communities. The subtheme of mobility is about productivity; it could be of productive ideas, actions, people, or anything which can help in creating a smarter future. The most exciting subtheme is sustainability; it is about taking care of our mother nature and maintaining a balance in our lifestyles.

In sub-themes, every country can showcase features of their country, which can help in promoting tourism and economic growth. It is an excellent opportunity for everyone to support what they do and learn more about various topics of their interest.

Every Expo brings together people from different companies, educational institutes, organizations, and NGOs to share their ideas about the motto of the Expo, and it allows them to connect and know others better. There will be around 200 participants in Expo 2020 Dubai, and people from all walks of life can visit.

Dubai Expo 2020 Tickets:

The tickets of Expo 2020 will shortly go on sale for everyone to book. Many Tour companies have partnered with Expo 2020 Dubai to sell tickets at their websites, so getting the card is very easy. The event is worth the price of the ticket because it will take you to the world of its own with thousands of creativity, learning about innovative future and growth opportunities.

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